Thursday, February 25, 2010

Brookings - SD

Brookings Register: "city manager is trying to find a private partner who is willing to build a hotel attached to the Swiftel Center."
Brookings Economic Development Corporation 414 Main Avenue Brookings, SD 57006 (605) 697-8103

Delmar - MD

Delmar rezones to allow casino complex | | The Daily Times: "The proposal includes a hotel, retail space and an indoor convention and entertainment center"
Planning & Zoning Commission
Vice Mayor Michael Houlihan

Selma - CA

Selma Enterprise: "The project plan includes land for a hotel, fast food and sit-down restaurants and retail"

Tutelian & Company 1401 Fulton Street, Suite 210 Fresno, CA 93721

Phone: (559) 266-8000 Fax: (559) 266-8005 or

Rutherford - NJ Larger approved developments at standstill: "800-unit residential, commercial and hotel mixed use project"
Mayor John F. Hipp201-460-3022email