Monday, July 19, 2010

Fighting your real estate taxes?

Given the reduced valuations of many of today's hotel assets, I thought perhaps this post would be of interest to some. I do not know or can recommend first hand this group, but thought I would pass along their solicitation to me on to my subscribers to use as they see fit. Dave

Bridgewater- NJ

Bridgewater council to vote on Route 22 economic development plans | | "proposed zoning changes calls for an area of Chimney Rock Road, near Interstate 287, where hotels would be allowed"

Economic Development Officer, Howard Turbowitz, can be reached at (908) 725-6300 ext. 5090, or by email at

East Lansing - MI

Building boom coming? East Lansing to hold hearings on five projects | | Lansing State Journal: "would allow office or hotel use with a special use permit,"

Darcy Schmitt
(517) 319-6941

Madison - WI

Developer eyes 230-room hotel at Rimrock Road and Beltline: "group has yet to hire a contractor"
Attention contractors on my subscriber list!