Thursday, September 10, 2009

Valerie Red-Horse, Native American Entreprenuer, Professional Speakers

Valerie Red-Horse, Native American Entreprenuer, Professional Speakers "In the past, Indian Tribes have not been able to use tax exempt financing to build hotels on Indian land, because hotels were not considered to be public purpose developments. With the new stimulus bill, however, hotels are specifically authorized projects that can be financed with the new Build America Bonds and Tribal Bonds. We are looking for private developers who want to participate in building hotels on Indian lands, where we can bring tax-exempt financing in as part of the total cost of the development, and the private developers and other investors can partner with the tribes to bring the rest of the financing. We think that there is an opportunity now for private developers, investors and hotel brands to team up with tribes to build projects that may not have been feasible without tax exempt financing." Valerie Red-Horse