Monday, March 15, 2010

Kalamazoo - MI

Best Western Suites Kalamazoo Country Inns and Suites conversion opportunity Property is being exclusively marketed with a list price of $3,500,000. The asset opened in April 2000. Land Area3.0 acres (fee simple). Number of Rooms There are a total of 64 Suites. 23 King Suites • 21 Double Queen Suites • 11 King / Queen Suites • 9 Single Queen Suites Contact Brent ClemensAssociate [P] A R A M O U N T L O D G I N G A D V I S O R S 311 West Superior, Suite 500 Chicago, IL 60654 T 312.642.2300 M 312.402.2959 F 312.275.7894E W